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Be Infused with God's Vibrant Life as You Stand for Your Marriage
Written by Jason Carver
Scripture: Romans 6:5 (TPT) - "For since we are permanently grafted into him to experience a death like his, then we are permanently grafted into him to experience a resurrection like his and the new life that it imparts."

As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, rest assured that God is inviting you to experience the vibrant life that comes from being grafted into Him. Romans 6:5 reminds us that just as we are permanently grafted into Christ to experience His death, we are also permanently grafted into Him to experience His resurrection and the new life that it imparts. Let's explore how you can be infused with God's vibrant life as you stand for your marriage.

Firstly, being grafted into Christ means sharing in His death. As you stand for your marriage, you may encounter seasons of pain, loss, and sacrifice. Yet, through the power of the cross, you can embrace these experiences as a part of your journey of transformation. Allow God to work in you, breaking down old patterns, attitudes, and behaviors that hinder the restoration of your marriage. Surrender yourself completely to His will, trusting that He is working all things together for your good and His glory.

Secondly, being grafted into Christ means sharing in His resurrection. Just as Christ conquered sin and death through His resurrection, so too can you experience victory and new life in your marriage. Trust in the power of God to breathe new life into your relationship, resurrecting what was dead and bringing forth beauty from ashes. As you stand in faith, believe that God is doing a miraculous work in your marriage, restoring and renewing it according to His perfect plan.

Furthermore, being grafted into Christ means sharing in His vibrant life. God desires for you to experience His abundant life in every area of your marriage—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Allow His Spirit to infuse you with joy, peace, love, and hope, even in the midst of trials and challenges. Draw near to Him in prayer, worship, and the study of His Word, and He will fill you to overflowing with His presence and power.

Moreover, being grafted into Christ means sharing in His purpose and mission. As you stand for your marriage, recognize that God has a greater plan and purpose for your relationship beyond mere survival or restoration. He wants to use your marriage as a testimony of His love, grace, and redemption to a watching world. Embrace your role as a vessel of His light and love, shining brightly in the darkness and pointing others to the hope found in Christ.

As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, remember that you are permanently grafted into Christ, sharing in His death, resurrection, and vibrant life. Trust in His power to transform your relationship from the inside out, bringing beauty, healing, and restoration beyond what you could ever imagine. Be infused with God's vibrant life, and let His love flow through you, illuminating the path before you and guiding you toward the abundant life He has promised.

Keep standing supernatural, we are right here with you!
Jason & Christine
I Hear the Lord saying over you...
“Be infused with my vibrant life!"

“As you stand for your marriage to be restored, never forget that I am the God of resurrection power. I infuse every dead and lifeless thing with vibrant life. Do you have loved ones who’ve turned from me? Call upon my resurrection power over their deadened hearts. I know how to woo the hearts of those who I’ve created. Do you have dreams that have been buried in the grave of disappointment? Let me give those dreams newness of life. I will reawaken them and dust them off. I will season them with fresh wisdom, creativity, and favor.

I alone am a miracle-working God. When you stand in faith, believing nothing is too hard for me, I meet that faith and show myself strong. It doesn’t matter what things look like on the outside. Get a new understanding of my power. I formed the earth, stars, and seas. I breathe life into every wind. I sculpted your frame and made pathways for every vein. I wove your flesh from the substance of love. Let me be the God whose very name is alive. I will show my resurrection power in your life and especially in your marriage!

This is originally from Brian Simmons' “I Hear His Whisper” but modified slightly for our community standers and their spouses.
Heavenly Father, thank You for grafting me into Christ and infusing me with Your vibrant life. I surrender my marriage to Your perfect will, trusting in Your power to transform it according to Your purpose and plan. Fill me with Your joy, peace, love, and hope, and use me as a vessel of Your light and love to a watching world. May Your resurrection power bring beauty, healing, and restoration to my marriage, beyond what I could ever imagine. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

"I declare that as I stand for my marriage, I am permanently grafted into Christ, sharing in His victory over every challenge and obstacle."

"I declare that I trust in God's power to break down barriers and resurrect what was dead in my marriage, bringing forth new life and restoration."

"I declare that I am infused with God's vibrant life, experiencing His joy, peace, and love as I navigate the journey of marriage restoration."

"I declare that I draw near to God in prayer and intimacy, allowing His Spirit to guide me and strengthen my marriage with His wisdom and understanding."

"I declare that I embrace God's purpose for my marriage, believing that He is using this season of restoration to reveal His glory and bring healing to both me and my spouse."

"I declare that I trust in God's perfect timing, knowing that He is working behind the scenes to orchestrate every detail of my marriage's restoration according to His divine plan."

"I declare that I am filled with faith and hope, standing firm in the assurance that God is faithful to complete the beautiful work He has begun in my marriage, bringing forth reconciliation, renewal, and redemption."

About Author: Jason Carver

Jason is the founder of Standing Supernaturally; he’s a pastor, a tennis teaching professional, and an international speaker. He currently travels the world teaching and preaching the message of hope and encouragement one can find in the power of restoration. Jason’s personal story of marital restoration is a prophetic picture of what God will do in anyone’s life who is faithful and obedient to the promises of God. He trains Christians how they can stand for their marriage restoration through e-courses, online membership programs, and 1-on-1 coaching. Jason loves seeing people experience the fullness that is available in scripture as they tap into the love, grace and power of God in their life and for their family. 
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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