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Be Intimate with God and Allow Him to Lead You as You Stand for Marriage Restoration
Written by Jason Carver
Scripture: Proverbs 3:6 (TPT) - "Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go."

Standing for the restoration of your marriage requires more than just determination and effort; it requires intimacy with God. Proverbs 3:6 reminds us that as we become intimate with God in all aspects of our lives, He promises to lead us in His perfect will. Let's explore how cultivating intimacy with God can guide you on the journey of marriage restoration.

Firstly, intimacy with God begins with a deep, personal relationship nurtured through prayer, worship, and the study of His Word. Just as a husband and wife share their hearts intimately with each other, God desires that kind of closeness with you. Open your heart to Him completely, sharing your desires, fears, and hopes for your marriage. Allow His presence to fill you with peace and assurance, knowing that He cares deeply about every detail of your life, including your marriage.

Secondly, intimacy with God empowers you to surrender your will and desires to His leading. In marriage restoration, it's easy to rely on our own understanding and strategies. However, God's ways are higher than ours, and His wisdom surpasses human understanding. Trust in His guidance and direction, even when His plans seem different from what you expected. As you yield to His leading, He will navigate you through challenges, obstacles, and uncertainties in your marriage restoration journey.
Furthermore, intimacy with God fosters a heart of obedience and faithfulness. As you align your actions with His Word and His will, you demonstrate your trust in His promises and His faithfulness. Seek His guidance in every decision and step you take toward restoring your marriage. His Word illuminates the path before you, guiding you toward reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.

Moreover, intimacy with God deepens your love for others, including your spouse. As God pours His love into your heart, His love overflows to those around you. Pray for your spouse with a heart filled with God's love, interceding for their well-being, spiritual growth, and openness to reconciliation. Let God's love shine through you, demonstrating His grace and forgiveness in your actions and words.

As you cultivate intimacy with God and allow Him to lead you in your marriage restoration journey, remember that His plans for you are good and filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). His presence goes before you, preparing the way for reconciliation, restoration, and renewed love in your marriage. Draw near to Him daily, seeking His wisdom and His heart for your marriage.

Keep standing supernatural, we are
I Hear the Lord saying over you...
“Move forward with me”

"As you stand for your marriage to be restored, I want you to know that it is my desire to give you a forward-thinking and forward-living mindset. I am instilling a radical faith within you, so that you will begin to pull the future into now. The work that I begin, I will finish, for I am watching over my word to perform it. All you have to do is align your heart with mine.

Every place the sole of your foot treads, you will take for the kingdom of heaven. I am raising you up as a deliverer, a new creation, a wonder-filled child full of passion and life. As you move forward with me, you will no longer be bogged down with the things of this earth, but you will be able to ascend and soar above the problems of this world.

Worship and serve me in spirit and in truth. It will keep you in tune with my Spirit, and all that you do will be led by the promptings of my Holy Spirit within you. You will move forward with me as a part of my victorious army and you will see your marriage restored!"

This is originally from Brian Simmons' “I Hear His Whisper” but modified slightly for our community standers and their spouses.
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart filled with gratitude for Your love and faithfulness. Thank You for the promise of intimacy with You and Your guidance in every aspect of my life, including my marriage restoration journey. Help me to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with You through prayer, worship, and the study of Your Word. Fill me with Your peace and assurance as I surrender my will and desires to Your leading. Guide me in every decision and step I take toward restoring my marriage, knowing that Your plans for me are good and filled with hope. I pray for Your wisdom, Your strength, and Your love to overflow in my heart and in my marriage. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

"I declare that I cultivate intimacy with God through prayer, worship, and the study of His Word, allowing His presence to fill me with peace and assurance."

"I declare that I surrender my will and desires to God's leading in my marriage restoration journey, trusting in His wisdom and His perfect timing."

"I declare that I align my actions with God's Word and His will, demonstrating obedience and faithfulness in seeking reconciliation and restoration in my marriage."

"I declare that I seek God's guidance in every decision and step I take toward restoring my marriage, knowing that His plans for me are good and filled with hope."

"I declare that I intercede for my spouse with a heart filled with God's love, praying for their well-being, spiritual growth, and openness to reconciliation."

"I declare that I allow God's love to shine through me, demonstrating His grace and forgiveness in my actions and words toward my spouse."

"I declare that as I cultivate intimacy with God and allow Him to lead me, He prepares the way for reconciliation, restoration, and renewed love in my marriage."

About Author: Jason Carver

Jason is the founder of Standing Supernaturally; he’s a pastor, a tennis teaching professional, and an international speaker. He currently travels the world teaching and preaching the message of hope and encouragement one can find in the power of restoration. Jason’s personal story of marital restoration is a prophetic picture of what God will do in anyone’s life who is faithful and obedient to the promises of God. He trains Christians how they can stand for their marriage restoration through e-courses, online membership programs, and 1-on-1 coaching. Jason loves seeing people experience the fullness that is available in scripture as they tap into the love, grace and power of God in their life and for their family. 
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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