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God's Plan for Marriage Restoration is Better Than You Think
Written by Jason Carver
Scripture: Ephesians 3:20 (TPT) - "Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you."

As you stand for the restoration of your marriage it can be easy to believe that this plan is not going to turn out the way you hope. It can be a challenging and sometimes discouraging journey. There may be moments when you doubt if God's plan for restoration is even going to happen. However, let me remind you of the powerful words in Ephesians 3:20, assuring you that God's mighty power is at work within you and that His plan exceeds your greatest requests and wildest dreams.

As you stand, it's essential to remember that God's plan for your marriage restoration goes far beyond what you can comprehend. His thoughts and ways are higher than yours, and His miraculous power constantly energizes you. He is not limited by human limitations or the circumstances you face. Trust that God's plan is perfectly designed to bring about healing, reconciliation, and transformation in your marriage.

God's plan for restoration is not just about fixing what is broken or returning to the way things were. His plan goes beyond that. It involves a complete transformation, a deeper level of intimacy, and a renewed purpose for your marriage. As you stand, allow yourself to dream big and believe that God's plan is far greater than you can imagine.

In moments of doubt and weariness, lean on the promises of God. Trust that He is working behind the scenes, orchestrating every detail. Even when it feels like nothing is happening, remember that God is at work, aligning circumstances, touching hearts, and preparing the way for the restoration of your marriage.

When doubts arise, replace them with faith-filled declarations. Declare that God's plan for your marriage is better than you can imagine. Confess that His miraculous power is at work, accomplishing infinitely more than you can ask or think. Choose to align your thoughts and expectations with the truth of His Word, believing that His plan will exceed your wildest dreams.

In conclusion, as you stand for the restoration of your marriage, hold onto the truth that God's plan is better than you think. Trust in His mighty power, knowing that He can accomplish infinitely more than you can imagine. Embrace His plan with anticipation, knowing that it includes a deeper level of intimacy, transformation, and purpose for your marriage. Believe in the miraculous power that constantly energizes you and declare with confidence that God's plan for your marriage restoration will exceed your wildest dreams.

Keep standing supernatural, we are right here with you!
Jason & Christine
I Hear the Lord saying...
“I Have a Plan"

“I have a life plan for you; a plan that was written into your life record before you were even born. It is a plan to bring you to My heart and into My fullness. I am the God who created you and formed you in your mother’s womb. My gaze was set upon you before your eyes were ever opened. My plan for you will succeed, and you will one day say, “Abba, you do all things well!”

My timing is perfect; I make all things beautiful in My time. What you see now is not what will be forever. There may be trouble in your family, but it will not last forever. There may be trouble around you, but it will soon disappear. I hold the plans of your life in My hands. The details of this plan unfold slowly, but My divine fingerprints rest upon them. Set your heart on My faithfulness and don’t be distracted by the impossibility that limits you. I am your Father, and I have plans to prosper you and make you fruitful in My vineyard.”

This is originally from Brian Simmons' “I Hear His Whisper” but modified slightly for standers and their spouses.
Heavenly Father,
Today, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and hope. Thank You for reminding me of Your mighty power and the incredible plan You have for the restoration of my marriage. I surrender my doubts and fears to You, knowing that Your plan exceeds my greatest requests and wildest dreams. I believe that Your miraculous power is constantly at work in me, energizing me to stand strong and unwavering in faith.

Lord, I pray that You would align my thoughts and expectations with Your truth. Help me to see beyond the limitations of my own understanding and trust in Your higher ways. Strengthen my faith and fill me with unwavering hope as I wait for the fulfillment of Your plan. I declare that Your plan for my marriage restoration is better than I can imagine, and I choose to align my heart and mind with that truth.

Father, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom on this journey. Lead me in the steps I should take and help me discern Your perfect timing. Strengthen my marriage with Your love and grace, bringing healing and transformation. I surrender my desires and expectations to You, knowing that Your plan is perfect and far greater than I can comprehend. May Your glory shine through the restoration that You will bring.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
DECLARATIONS: "Declaring God's ability to Touch Your Spouse"

I declare that I surrender my doubts and fears to God, knowing that His plan for my marriage restoration is better than I can imagine. I trust in His mighty power to work miracles and exceed my greatest expectations.

I declare that I have unwavering hope and confidence in God's plan. His miraculous power constantly energizes me, filling me with strength and perseverance. I choose to align my thoughts and expectations with His truth.

I declare that I am guided by God's wisdom and discernment. He leads me on this journey of marriage restoration, showing me the steps to take and the perfect timing for His plan to unfold. I trust in His divine guidance.

I declare that I release my desires and expectations into God's hands. His plan for my marriage goes beyond what I can comprehend. I surrender to His perfect will and trust that His glory will be revealed through the restoration He brings.

I declare that I have faith in God's perfect timing. I resist impatience and trust that He is working behind the scenes, orchestrating every detail. I believe that His plan will unfold at the right moment for the ultimate restoration of my marriage.

I declare that I am filled with gratitude for God's faithfulness and His amazing plan. I thank Him for His mighty power at work within me, energizing me to stand strong in faith. I rejoice in His goodness and celebrate the restoration that is yet to come.

I declare that I walk in victory, knowing that God's plan for my marriage restoration will come to fruition. I trust in His promises and declare His Word over my circumstances. I am filled with hope, for His plan exceeds my wildest dreams.

About Author: Jason Carver

Jason is the founder of Standing Supernaturally; he’s a pastor, a tennis teaching professional, and an international speaker. He currently travels the world teaching and preaching the message of hope and encouragement one can find in the power of restoration. Jason’s personal story of marital restoration is a prophetic picture of what God will do in anyone’s life who is faithful and obedient to the promises of God. He trains Christians how they can stand for their marriage restoration through e-courses, online membership programs, and 1-on-1 coaching. Jason loves seeing people experience the fullness that is available in scripture as they tap into the love, grace and power of God in their life and for their family. 
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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