Standing Supernaturally Devotionals

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Standing for the restoration of your marriage requires more than just determination and effort; it requires intimacy with God. Proverbs 3:6 reminds us that as we become intimate with God in all aspects of our lives, He promises to lead us in His perfect will. Let's explore how cultivating intimacy with God can guide you on the...
I am fully aware that standing for your marriage to be restored can often create intense worry and anxiety in your life. However, in the midst of the turbulence, God offers you a place of quiet retreat—a sanctuary where His wraparound presence becomes your shield. Psalm 119:114 reassures us that as we wrap ourselves in...
Standing for the restoration of your marriage can often feel like navigating through the depths of darkness and despair. Yet, in the midst of this journey, God invites you to experience the vibrant life that comes from being grafted into Him. Romans 6:5 reminds us that just as we are permanently grafted into Christ to experience His death, we are also permanently grafted into...
As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, take heart that Philippians 1:9-11 reminds us that God is faithful to complete the beautiful work He has begun in you. Let's explore how this truth can bring hope, encouragement, and assurance as you navigate the journey of...
Standing for the restoration of your marriage can feel like navigating through a maze of hidden struggles, unspoken pain, and unresolved issues. Yet, in the midst of this journey, God invites you to see through His eyes—to perceive the truth that is often...
Standing for the restoration of your marriage can feel like searching for a lost sheep in a vast wilderness. Your heart longs for the return of your spouse, yearning for reconciliation and restoration. In the midst of this journey, take heart and find hope in the promise of Luke 15:4–5, where God is likened to a ...
Standing for the restoration of your marriage is a challenging and emotional journey. You may be facing battles that seem insurmountable, and your heart may be heavy with the pain of brokenness. However, I want you to take heart from this powerful passage, Revelation 12:11. This verse reminds us...
During this season of standing for the restoration of your marriage, more than anything, God is inviting you to draw closer to Him and discover a fulfillment that transcends human relationships. Psalm 16:9–11 assures us that God is the ultimate source of joy, confidence, and...
Complaining and grumbling are subtle but destructive forces that can sneak into our hearts when we're standing for the restoration of our marriage. These negative attitudes not only hinder our journey but also invite the destroyer into our stand. 1 Corinthians 10:10 reminds us of the consequences of complaining among... 
Standing for the restoration of your marriage often feels like walking through a maze of emotions, uncertainties, and questions with no discernible answers. At times, it may seem like the path you're on is shrouded in mystery, leaving you grappling with...
In the pursuit of restoring your marriage, you may face what seems like insurmountable challenges. It's in these moments that your faith becomes a powerful weapon, enabling you to overcome the world's opposition to your marriage restoration journey. As 1 John 5:4–5 tells us, it is ...

As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, it's easy to feel that things are completely out of control and even God doesn’t seem to have a plan. However, take heart, for in the midst of the storm, God is at work. Romans 8:28 assures us that ...

I know that while standing for your marriage you may be experiencing deep pain and heartache. It's easy to feel discouraged and wonder if your pain will ever stop and actually give birth to something beautiful. But in the midst of your trials, God wants you to know that there is purpose in your pain. In Song of Songs 2:11–12...
As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, know that God has seen your faithfulness and how you are overcoming the pain. The wounds and disappointments may still linger, but in His infinite love and grace, God has entrusted you with the ability to fully trust Him. He calls you to... 
As you stand for the restoration of your marriage it can be easy to believe that this plan is not going to turn out the way you hope. It can be a challenging and sometimes discouraging journey. There may be moments when you doubt if God's plan for restoration is even...
A key to standing supernaturally for your marriage restoration requires steadfast faith and unwavering trust in God's love and plan. In times of doubt and uncertainty, remember the profound message of Luke 19:10, where Jesus declares His purpose of coming to seek and save the lost. This verse holds the key to understanding the...
Is there anything better than having someone genuinely smile at you? It’s one of those universal signs of being greeted with delight and happiness. I know you all have that desire for a simple smile of pleasure come your way from your spouse. I also know..
Today I want to commemorate a significant day in my life—a day that marked the beginning of my personal stand for restoration. On this Mother's Day, was the day the pain of standing began, for Christine left on Mother’s day and this could easily be a day that could bring back painful memories, but instead...
If you are standing for your marriage to be restored, it is likely that you have been through a lot of pain and heartache. It can be hard to keep your faith strong when you're standing for your marriage to be restored, especially when...
Standing for the restoration of your marriage is without a doubt a stressful and challenging journey. It's easy to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. But as we fix our eyes on Jesus and allow...
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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