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I Will Make A Way For Marriage Restoration
Written by Jason Carver
Romans 8:28 (TPT) - "So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.”

As you stand for the restoration of your marriage, it's easy to feel that things are completely out of control and even God doesn’t seem to have a plan. However, take heart, for in the midst of the storm, God is at work. Romans 8:28 assures us that every detail of our lives is woven together by God to fit into His perfect plan. This truth holds the promise that God is making a way for your marriage to be restored.

When circumstances seem bleak, remember that God's perspective is far greater than ours. He knows the intricate details of your situation and is working all things together for your good. As you trust Him fully, you align yourself with His divine purpose. Every tear you've shed, every prayer you've whispered, and every step you've taken in faith are pieces of the puzzle that God is using to create a beautiful picture of restoration.

In the midst of your struggle, don't underestimate the power of God's timing. He orchestrates events in ways we cannot comprehend. What might seem like delays or setbacks are often opportunities for God to reveal His faithfulness and power. Keep your eyes fixed on Him, knowing that He who began a good work in your marriage will see it through to completion.

As you stand firm in your faith, remember that God's plan is not only about the end result but also about the process. Your growth, your faith, and your relationship with Him are being refined in the process. Even when you can't see the way, trust that God is making a way. He is turning what seems impossible into a testimony of His grace and restoration.

Keep standing supernatural, we are right here with you!
Jason & Christine
I Hear the Lord saying...

“As you stand for your marriage know that I have led you here, my beloved. You haven’t missed a step. When you set your heart to seek my face and yielded your will to mine, I took you by the hand and haven’t let go. Though it seems as if you’ve walked straight into a brick wall that’s blocking your path, look closer. See with the purity of Spirit vision, and you will notice it is actually a door. I’m good at making a way when there seems to be no way. What you see as a stopping point, I see as a moment for you to pause and find your peace in me—nothing but me.

Circumstances are not always as they appear. When you live from my vantage point, you will begin to see things from my point of view. You will get excited by setbacks, because you will begin to see them as opportunities for something greater. This may not be what you expected, but remember, I am faithful, and I have nothing but the best for you and your family. Leave the details of your restoration in my hands, and I will make a way.”

This is originally from Brian Simmons' “I Hear His Whisper” but modified slightly for standers and their spouses.
Heavenly Father, as I stand for the restoration of my marriage, I hold onto the assurance that You are making a way. I surrender my doubts and fears to You, knowing that Your plan is perfect and Your timing is impeccable. Help me to trust You fully, even when the path ahead seems uncertain. Strengthen my faith, Lord, and remind me that You are in control. I declare that You are weaving together a beautiful story of restoration, and I will continue to walk in hope and confidence. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen


I declare that God is in control of every detail of my life, including my marriage. He is weaving together a beautiful story of restoration.

I declare that I trust God's timing. His plan is unfolding perfectly, and I will wait with patience and hope.

I declare that God's purpose for my marriage will be fulfilled. Every challenge I face is an opportunity for God to reveal His glory.

I declare that my faith is unwavering. I will not be shaken by circumstances, for I believe that God is making a way.

I declare that I am a vessel of God's love and grace in my marriage. His power is working through me to bring healing and reconciliation.

I declare that I am growing stronger in my relationship with God through this journey. My faith is being refined, and I am becoming more like Christ.

I declare that victory is certain. I trust in God's promise that He will bring good out of every situation, including the restoration of my marriage.

About Author: Jason Carver

Jason is the founder of Standing Supernaturally; he’s a pastor, a tennis teaching professional, and an international speaker. He currently travels the world teaching and preaching the message of hope and encouragement one can find in the power of restoration. Jason’s personal story of marital restoration is a prophetic picture of what God will do in anyone’s life who is faithful and obedient to the promises of God. He trains Christians how they can stand for their marriage restoration through e-courses, online membership programs, and 1-on-1 coaching. Jason loves seeing people experience the fullness that is available in scripture as they tap into the love, grace and power of God in their life and for their family. 
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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