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The Danger of Complaining as You Stand For Your Marriage
Written by Jason Carver
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:10 (TPT) - "And we must not embrace their ways by complaining—grumbling with discontent, as many of them did, and were killed by the destroyer!”

Complaining and grumbling are subtle but destructive forces that can sneak into our hearts when we're standing for the restoration of our marriage. These negative attitudes not only hinder our journey but also invite the destroyer into our stand. 1 Corinthians 10:10 reminds us of the consequences of complaining among the Israelites in the wilderness—they were killed by the destroyer. Let's explore how we can guard against complaints and instead foster an atmosphere of faith, hope, and restoration.

Complaining often arises from discontentment. When we focus on what's wrong in our marriage, we magnify the problems and minimize the potential for healing and restoration. Rather than grumbling about our spouse's shortcomings or the challenges we face, we should choose gratitude. Begin by acknowledging the blessings in your life, both within and outside your marriage. Cultivate a heart of thankfulness, for it is in gratitude that we find the strength to stand with hope and trust in God's restoration plan.

Complaining can also undermine our faith. It keeps us stuck in a cycle of negativity, preventing us from seeing the bigger picture. Instead of dwelling on what's wrong, shift your perspective toward what God is doing. Have faith that even in the midst of difficulty, God is at work. Trust that He is leading you and your spouse toward healing and reconciliation. When you replace complaints with faith-filled declarations of God's goodness and promises, you create an atmosphere where miracles can happen.

Moreover, complaining affects not only us but also those around us. It can be a stumbling block for others who are witnessing our stand for marriage restoration. Instead of grumbling, let your words and actions inspire hope and encouragement. Speak life into your marriage, declare God's promises, and pray with confidence. Your positive attitude and unwavering faith will not only impact your own heart but also draw others into the journey of restoration.

As you embark on this week, make a commitment to banish complaints from your life. Challenge yourself to replace them with gratitude, faith, and words of life. Remember that complaining only invites the destroyer, while faith and hope pave the way for God's miraculous intervention. Your marriage restoration is a journey worth taking, and it begins with a heart that refuses to complain and instead chooses to trust in the restorative power of our loving God.

Keep standing supernatural, we are right here with you!
Jason & Christine

I Hear the Lord saying...

“My beloved child, I see the burdens you carry in your hearts, especially in the midst of your marriages not yet being fully restored. I understand the pain, the frustration, and the longing for a brighter future. But hear my words today, for My words are eternal and true, continually releasing encouragement and hope.

Do not allow complaining and grumbling to become the anthem of your journey. These are the voices of doubt and despair, and they can only lead to the destruction of your faith. My dear child, when you complain, you give the enemy more power over your life, and you begin to doubt my work behind the scenes. I want you to know that I am endlessly working in ways you cannot see.

Even in the moments when it feels like I am distant or silent, I am orchestrating a beautiful symphony of restoration. Trust in me, for I am the God who sees beyond the surface, and I understand the depths of your struggles. Your pain is not lost on me; it is not in vain.

Remember, I am right here with you, closer than you can imagine. I am not a distant Father; I am a loving Daddy who cares for every detail of your life, including the state of your marriage. Have faith, my dear children, for your faith moves mountains. Instead of grumbling, turn to me in prayer and allow me to hug away your pain. Pour out your hearts before me, and I will provide you with the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Know this, my children: I am the God of restoration, and my promises are true. Your marriages will be restored in my perfect timing. Embrace patience, trust in my unfailing love, and let gratitude replace complaint. Your faith will grow stronger, and together, we will overcome every obstacle in your path. Rejoice, for the work I am doing in the unseen realms is beyond your wildest dreams. As you mute those words of fear and hurt that come out of your mouth, keep your eyes on me, and I will lead you to the restoration and renewal you seek.”
Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart filled with gratitude for Your guidance through this devotional. I humbly pray that You grant me the strength to guard my words and thoughts diligently. Help me, Lord, to resist the temptation of complaining and grumbling, knowing that these are the great destroyers of faith. Instead, let my words be a source of hope and encouragement, aligning with Your promises for my marriage. In moments of doubt, remind me of Jesus' command to stop complaining and the power of faith over fear. May my words and prayers breathe life into my marriage, even in the midst of challenges, for I believe that with You, all things are possible. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

I declare that I will no longer complain about my spouse or my marriage. I choose to focus on God's promises and trust that He is at work.

I declare that I will not grumble against God but will seek His wisdom and guidance in my marriage restoration journey.

I declare that I will replace complaints with prayers of faith, believing that God can do the impossible in my marriage.

I declare that I will shift my perspective and speak life into my spouse and my marriage.”

I declare that I am breaking free from the destructive cycle of complaining and embracing a mindset of gratitude and hope.

I declare that I am closing the door to the destroyer in my stand for marriage restoration. My trust in God is stronger than my need to complain.

I declare that I am on the path to the Promised Land of restoration and healing in my marriage. I will not let complaints hold me back.

About Author: Jason Carver

Jason is the founder of Standing Supernaturally; he’s a pastor, a tennis teaching professional, and an international speaker. He currently travels the world teaching and preaching the message of hope and encouragement one can find in the power of restoration. Jason’s personal story of marital restoration is a prophetic picture of what God will do in anyone’s life who is faithful and obedient to the promises of God. He trains Christians how they can stand for their marriage restoration through e-courses, online membership programs, and 1-on-1 coaching. Jason loves seeing people experience the fullness that is available in scripture as they tap into the love, grace and power of God in their life and for their family. 
Standing Supernaturally for Marriage Restoration
Are you separated or divorced but still believing in restoration? Are you feeling exhausted and hopeless as you stand for your marriage to be restored? There is a way to walk in Peace, Power, and Joy as you wait for God to restore your family!   
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